Mountain Community Methodist Church welcomes you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. You are always welcome to join us. We believe in caring for our members, and for the local community, and for those abroad. We are a mission-oriented church, which endeavors to visit the sick and shut-in, to respond to the needy, and to care for the broken hearted.
If you feel the pull at your heart to respond to this call of God, to love your neighbors near and far, we invite you to join us on this mission. We bid you God's blessing and peace.
Prior to 1909, our area was served by “circuit riders.” These pastors, traveled throughout the northeast, bringing the Good News to the small isolated communities. In Speculator, the logging industry brought in a population that would spend weeks in the logging “camps” while their families remained at home. As time went by, the Adirondacks became a “vacation destination.” In order to provide a place of worship, a group of five ladies led the team of faithful residents which ultimately led to the Methodist Church opening its doors in Lake Pleasant and Speculator. Our community has been richly blessed to be able to see this ministry
continue. God has guided our congregations spiritually over the years with, evangelical outreach, mission work within our community and beyond, and stewardship of our properties.
We are all so thankful for His presence in our lives and for His Son’s sacrifice for us on the cross.
Believe and put all our faith in the one triune God of the holy christian bible, creater of Heaven and Earth; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (Matt 22:37-38)
Love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt 22:39)
Study to show ourselves approved of God (2 Timothy 2:15)
Follow our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as he commanded (Matt 4:19, Luke 9:23)
Encourage all peoples to seek God until they find him and be baptized by His Holy Spirit (Matt 6:33, Matt 3:11)
Make disciples of all who will call on His name (Matt 28:19–20, John 3:16)
Church service Sunday 10:30 am
Bible Study
Devotion Group
United Women in Faith - first Tuesday of the month at 11:00 am
Spaghetti Dinners - third Saturday of each month 4-7pm
Election Day Dinner in November
Annual Chicken BBQ 1st Saturday in August
Banner Ministry
Food Pantry Contributions
Special Services